Message From the Dean

Our programs are built upon the foundations laid down by the previous deans, starting with our beloved founding dean, Dr. Thomas F. Freeman, the legendary coach of the famous TSU debate team, and to whom our college is named after. Dr. Freeman was followed by Dr. Humphrey Regis, Dr. Elizabeth Brown-Guillory, Dr. Dianne Jemison Pollard, and the current interim dean, Dr. Hector C. Miranda, Jr. The programs that evolved over the past decade include the TSU TALK/ A Frederick Douglass Lecture, the Biannual Freeman Research Conference, the Course Augmentation Proposal (CAPS), and the Senior Thesis program.
At the Thomas F. Freeman Honors College, we believe that profound learning comes when students write and talk about ideas. In the Fall of 2023, we will begin the Junior Thesis Exploration and Proposal (JTEP) program where Honors juniors start developing their thesis proposals. We link them to our Faculty Fellows that include prominent scholars from the different colleges/schools across campus. Since Spring 2021, we established an open-access digital journal, the Freeman Research Journal, which houses the senior theses.
Our support for our students goes beyond the classroom by actively connecting them with internship opportunities, federally-funded research programs at TSU, and with the many world-class research institutions. As an added resource for our students, we are currently developing our website to add a portal for opportunities for internships and external scholarships. We constantly seek scholarships for our students, support the study abroad programs, and support their application to professional and graduate schools. Above all these, we provide them a home where they can flourish and reach their full potential.
Hector C. Miranda, Jr., Ph.D.
Acting Dean